The ROC Group

Creating Enterprise Value.

The ROC Group focuses on helping people & businesses create value in their organizations and prepares them for leadership/ownership transitions.

The creation of value improves the profits, cashflow, intangible assets and ultimately the value of the business while creating an environment which laser focuses, accomplishes more, improves communication, creates a culture people enjoy being part of, and helps them grow faster.

Setup a meeting for us to listen to your challenges/opportunities and discuss approaches to create more value.

It doesn’t matter where you start, what matters is that you start!


The 3 methods for determining the value of a business are the Asset Based Approach, Earnings Value Approach, and the Market Value Approach.  Each of these have several factors involved.  Learning these methods and associated factors will allow you to better understand the best way to approach your business to maximize the value, improve your transition success, and generate great profits.

Contact us today to learn more:


Phone: 715-226-0718

IMPROVE Your Business

Improving your business usually equates to better profits & more cash so you can grow your business. It can also greatly improve your work environment so you can attract & retain employees.

Our Discovery, Business Advisory, Business Operating System, and Financial Interpretation methods all help with improving your business.

GROW Your Business

Are you trying to grow incrementally with new sales in existing markets (market penetration), enter new markets(market development), develop new products/services for exiting markets(product development), or develop new products/services for new markets (diversification)?   The complexity and risk of each approach increases respectively and we can help you navigate this and help you mitigate your risk.

Our Discovery and Business Advisory methods directly assist you.  We do recommend you align this with your strategy developed with a Business Operating System.

TRANSITION Your Business

The best approach to preparing for a transition is to start early.  Some might say start a business with the end in mind.  We use a 3 phase approach to Discover, Prepare, and then Decide.

Our Exit Strategy, Planning, & Transition method focuses on preparing a business for a transition.  Since it takes time to properly prepare a business we recommend starting at least 1 year in advanced.  To maximize your value we recommend at least 3 years in advance.  All our other methods contribute to assisting with creating a business with a great valuation, great profits, and a place people enjoy working.

What would you like to achieve?

    I am interested in the following strategies for my business.

    CREATE BUSINESS VALUE: (Click each to mark opportunity in your business)

    IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS: (Click each to mark opportunity in your business)

    GROW YOUR BUSINESS: (Click each to mark opportunity in your business)

    TRANSITION YOUR BUSINESS: (Click each to mark opportunity in your business)


    It does not matter where you start, it matters that you START