
Our mission is to Increase your enterprise value today to create a better tomorrow while preparing you for your future transition.


  • Golden rule – treat others as you want to be treated
  • Make a difference every day
  • Collaborate with others for the good of all
  • Innovate – always learning


The ROC Group focuses on helping people & improving business value while preparing them for leadership/ownership transitions.

The creation of value improves the profits, cashflow, intangible assets and ultimately the value of the business while creating an environment which laser focuses, accomplishes more, improves communication, creates a culture people enjoy being part of, and helps them grow faster.

Growing a business is risky business.  Some businesses decide to improve and de-risk prior to launching a growth initiative.  This sets them up for a smoother transition into growth mode while ensuring they are prepared for the 5 D’s in life, distress, dis-agreement, divorce, disability, and death which statistically impacts 50% of business owners.  Having contingency plans in place helps them insure the organization’s well being if something like a pandemic hits.

Preparing for a transition is best completed over a longer period of time as it takes time and energy to have your business ready and attractive to potential buyers.

Setup a meeting for us to listen to your challenges/opportunities, discuss approaches to create more value, and execute solutions.

It doesn’t matter where you start, what matters is you start.

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