Is your business ready?  Is your business attractive?  Are you ready?  Click here to see the results of the State of Transition Readiness Surveys by the Exit Planning Institute.

Assess your Personal, Financial, and Business current state, Execute improvements to maximize profits, cashflow, and business value, Prepare / De-risk your business so it is ready to grow or transition, Grow your business to maximize wealth and/or Transition out of your business.

We take you on a journey in 3 phases( Discover, Prepare, and Grow or Exit) while helping you develop a transition plan in parallel.


State of Transition Readiness Surveys

  • 4 million business to transition in the next 10 years
  • 63% held by baby boomers, age 58-76
  • Historical transition success rates are only 20-30%
  • Most owners have 80-90% of their wealth tied up in their business
  • 79% have no written business transition plan
  • 48% have done “no planning at all.”
  • 94% have no written personal plan.
  • 66% of the business owners are not aware of all their exit options.
  • Over 55% of the business owners have never had a family meeting about the business.
  • More than 50% of the businesses do not have a board of advisors.